The Emotional Rollercoaster of Blogging

If you’re reading this as a non-blogger, you’ll probably think that blogging pretty much consists of setting up a WordPress account, and off you go: blogging.

And, well, yeah, it sort of is.

But if you are reading this as a blogger, you’ll probably be sat there shaking your head and thinking “no, no, no, no, no, no, no!” Blogging is sooooo much more than just writing. Ok, so good content is obviously a massive part of what makes a successful blogger, but there’s also the photo taking, the photo editing, uploading everything to your CMS, creating a website to be proud of (we’re talking themes and widgets and headers), promotion, social media, engagement and replying to comments and so much more besides.

Don’t get me wrong, there are far, far worse things that I could be doing than blogging (catching sick one handed, anyone? Yep I’m the mum of a reflux baby!), but let’s just say that, for me, personally, it’s definitely a labour of love, and one that I fall out of love with occasionally.

Then of course, on top of all of this, are the stats. Those stats that I said I wasn’t going to worry about at the start of the year. Those stats that might just have crept up since I started writing this…better go check my WordPress app! And with all of this combined, for Mrs Lighty, this pretty much adds up to an emotional rollercoaster of blogging.

The Emotional Rollercoaster of Blogging
There are times when I really love it. Of course there are, otherwise I wouldn’t be doing it. Getting those occasional comments on my Low Papp A post from women going through the same thing, lovely comments on Facebook from fellow mums telling me I’m not alone when I’m having a tough day. And then of course the massive, massive accolade for me which was winning the silver in the Essex Digital Awards. Those are the things that make it worthwhile. I’ve also had some fantastic opportunities come my way because of blogging (never did I think I’d ever appear on Sky News, for example!) and I’m so, so grateful for those. But it doesn’t mean that I don’t worry about boring everyone, whether anyone is reading, and whether I should even continue.

And today is my bloggy birthday! So, as I hit two years of working my butt off on All Things Spliced, I thought I’d share with you the inner thought process of Mrs Lighty…hold onto your seats everyone, this is going to be one hell of a ride through my little tiny brain!

The Emotional Rollercoaster of Blogging:

1. Write post.

2. Edit post.

3. Edit post some more.

4. Add photos.

5. Edit post some more.

6. Decide that it probably doesn’t need to be tinkered with any more.

7. Hit publish. Eeeeeek!!! Even after two years, there’s still a little bit of an “Eeek!” moment every time I hit publish.

8. Decide not to promote post until later on in the day.

9. Check stats anyway, even though you haven’t promoted it, just to see if, somehow, your keywords are sooooo effective that half of the Internet has stumbled upon your new post via Google since you hit publish.

10. Oh. 5 hits. But that’s ok, as you’ll be promoting it later.

11. Promote post.

12. Oooh you’ve had a few new likes on your blog’s Facebook page!

13. Check stats. Yep that’ll do nicely, thank you!

14. Go to bed.

15. Wake up the next morning.

16. Check stats.

17. Ponder whether you can promote again on social media, or will that kill the reach?

18. Ok so today’s stat’s aren’t too bad.

19. Go to bed.

The Emotional Rollercoaster of Blogging
20. Wake up the next morning.

21. Check stats.

22. Oh, a little disappointing. Best crack on with another post!

23. Writer’s block.

24. Writer’s block!


26. An idea, phew!

27. Write post, repeat steps 2 – 22.

28. Ooh, an email from someone claiming to be in PR! Oh. This looks a bit suspect. I don’t think we’ll be taking up this ‘wonderful opportunity’ of free content.

29. Worry whether you’re boring everyone you know?

30. Decide that yep, you probably are boring everyone you know. Sorry friends!!

31. Oh, wait, Mumsnet have picked up your post! Oooh this is exciting!

32. Check stats.

33. Check stats some more.

34. Check stats again.

35. Have a crisis of confidence.

36. Turn to your bloggy friends for some advice.

37. Decide that actually, this is the best part of blogging, the people and friends you’ve met through it (thanks Rhyming with Wine, Three Little Buttons, Bridie by the Sea, Something About Baby and all of the other lovelies I talk to pretty much on a daily basis!).

38. Take solace in the lovely words from your friends.

39. Write some more because…

40. …at the end of the day, this is my story!

My story, and that of Baby Lighty and Mr Lighty. And I need to own my story, and tell it. So happy second birthday, All Things Spliced! Thank you for all of the lovely friends you’ve brought me, the fabulous opportunities and the chance to tell my story!

Sending plenty of gluten free cake to all of the lovely supportive people in the blogging community, as well as all of my fantastic readers, you are so very appreciated and I hope to see you hear same time next year!! xxx

For All Things Spliced, follow The Lightys on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

84 thoughts on “The Emotional Rollercoaster of Blogging”

  1. This is me! I’ve only been at it nearly 8 weeks but it’s totally addictive and yes it is a rollercoaster emotion-wise! This really made me chuckle and nod my head too. X #DreamTeam

  2. Happy bloggy birthday! That all sounds very familiar, though I’m trying to take a step back from all the stats stuff and just focus on writing the sort of content that I enjoy and am proud of. Easier said than done! #DreamTeam

  3. Happy 2nd birthday to your blog. All of what you have highlighted in your post is soo true for us bloggers. I’m a guilty stats person as well #dreamteam

  4. Congratulations on your bloggy birthday! And yes blogging is definitely an emotional rollercoaster. I am dreadful for checking my stats – I do it waaay too often and if it’s good, I explain it away as a fluke / counting malfunction, and if it’s bad, I get upset! Haha #dreamteam

  5. Haha, brilliant. Hit the nail right on the head there. I’m currently one of those rare bloggers, who genuinely doesn’t care too much about stats. I rarely check them, but that’s because I’m not yet wanting to grow the blog too much, I just don’t feel I have the time at the moment. That said, I really do understand how those pesky stats can take over. Looking forward to lots of new posts from you and helping to boost those stats #DreamTeam x

    1. Ooh I definitely wish I could be more like this! I don’t really know what I want from the blog, which I don’t think helps really??! #DreamTeam

  6. I LOVE this!!! I’m a new blogger (3 months-ish) and it’s good to know that even pro-bloggers are trapped in this vicious blogging cycle and have an addiction to stats-checking! Can you do a post where you lie and say that 2 years down the line you’re so amazed by your own amaze-ing-ness that you have forgotten how to even check stats? That’d make me feel a tad better hehe! #DreamTeam

    1. It’s funny when we’re not taking ourselves too seriously, but it’s also bloody hard work this blogging malarkey isn’t it?! I’m glad I’m not the only one! #DreamTeam

  7. Lovely read and defiantly so much more then just writing a post. You also have to have motivation and ideas to start with along with what you want to do if you want to further promote it etc X #dreamteam

  8. I actually laughed out loud at number 29! Thank god us bloggers are all the same crazy mess at some point or other or else we would think that we were all alone!! It is a great game with wonderful opportunities but my goodness its hard work at times! It’s good to celebrate that part too and to realise it:) Fab post, well done for hitting publish!:)

    1. Yes! Exactly that! I love it at times, and it’s given me some fab opportunities, but it’s also such. hard. work!!! Thank you for your kind words! #DreamTeam

  9. Oh yes a lot of this sounds all too familiar! What I love about blogging the most is the never knowing what each day is going to bring – If only I didn’t have two small children I could be hanging out at a cool event a week, but oh, hold on, I’m blogging BECAUSE I have two small children at home ha ha! Declining waay too often is definitely a down side 😉 You’re right though, it’s a crazy old process that we put ourselves through…but sod the stats, who cares if no one’s reading…that’s my attitude! xx Thanks for hosting #dreamteam

  10. I think we have all had these experiences but if we are wise we constantly check to see if we are a slave to the blog when it should actually be serving us. I do worry that some bloggers and only some are placing their whole self-esteem on stats. I think blogging can be both very good and very bad for mental wellbeing

    1. Yes! Totally agree about it being both good and bad for mental wellbeing. I love your phrase about the blog serving us, very wise words, thank you!

  11. Yay Happy Bloggy Birthday! I think we all feel your pain with this one. I try to only check my stats a couple of times a week. I say ‘try’!! We are gluttons for punishment, aren’t we?! #DreamTeam

    1. I really wish I could be more like this. But as it is I’ve probably checked them, oooh, 7,568,982 times today?!! Oops!! #DreamTeam

  12. Happy 2nd Blog Birthday and well done with everything you’ve achieved. It certainly isn’t as easy as just writing and publishing is it! I sometimes wonder why I bother and have days where I think nobody is bothered about what I write but I keep going in hope that one day people will read and actually like my stories and accounts. I do enjoy it though and to me it feels like a kind of outlet for thoughts I wouldn’t actually talk about out loud! I also love to share all the good stuff too.

    1. Ah I love your blog, you always have such thought provoking posts. There are definitely people reading, myself included! #DreamTeam

  13. I’ve done the same as you, last year…And this is why I only blog occasionally now.
    I keep a journal, but I only publish the most important stuff, some a few times a month… and I do minimum promotion BECAUSE at the end of the day YOU have to LOVE doing your work, if not no one will enjoy reading it… pushing out posts has never worked for me…Blogging organically, ideas flowing when they want, that’s the way forward.
    And also just relish reading and commenting on other people’s stuff, just sharing the love words wonders. Eventually your stats and happiness levels will go up and your stress levels go down….HOWEVER if you’re doing a blog as a business, promoting products etc, it’s a different thing in my opinion… much more mechanical, which is something I’ve never been interested in. P.S Your blog is lovely and you’re doing wonderful… but you didn’t need me to tell you that! #dreamteam

    1. Some really good advice here! I totally hear you on blogging organically and not forcing blog posts. Thanks so much for stopping by and for your wise words! #DreamTeam

  14. Happy blogging birthday! And this is all so true! I check my stats obsessively, and I ALWAYS wish I knew what everybody else’s stats were! #dreamteam

  15. Happy Bloggy Birthday and Wow, That is how we all feel, huh? The very best part is the fellow bloggers you meet and befriend! Who would have thunk it! I love this beast known as blogging! <3 #DreamTeam xoxo

  16. Happy blog birthday 🙂 Making friends with fellow bloggers is one of the best bits of blogging. That and having a little bit of the Internet that’s all mine!

  17. Stats are my worst enemy, I hate looking but on the odd occasion I’m pleasantly surprise I do a hair flick hahaha… then I get nervous and anxious about the stats again a few hours later! #dreamteam

  18. I’ve sort of decided not to think too much about it anymore. To just post what I want and then that’s it. I’m much happier that way. 🙂 #dreamteam

  19. Haha! Love the honesty of your post, and it’s really fascinating to get into the mindset of another blogger. I definitely go through all those stages too, especially worrying nobody is reading, and then worrying everyone is bored or thinks it’s rubbish! But I guess something keeps us going and I agree the links made with other lovely bloggers is a wonderfully encouraging thing #dreamteam

    1. I think most of us go through something similar. We all have self doubt. But luckily we’re such a supportive community as a whole that we all tell each other how great we all are! #DreamTeam

  20. Happy Blog Birthday! I’m so similar in the fact that I promised myself that I wouldn’t worry about stats and now constantly check for DA updates and page views. I need to step back and remember why i started writing.


  21. Aww Nic, it’s been so lovely to get to know you and be part of your bloggy journey….I love your rollercoaster, you have 100% nailed it!! I am so glued to my stats and followers and know it sort of sucks the enjoyment out of it for me sometimes. Here’s to another wonderful year for you lovely – thank you for co-hosting #dreamteam xx

    1. You know we talk about this often, so you know how I often end up feeling! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of your support, so thank you! And thank you for letting me cohost #DreamTeam! xxx

  22. Haha happy blogging birthday! I’ve had a bit of a ‘what’s the point?’ week with blogging and so this made me laugh a lot! I am in crisis until mumsnet picks up a post & then all of a sudden, I’m happy again! It’s certainly a roller coaster #dreamteam

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