All Change!

You may have noticed that All Things Spliced has had a bit of a makeover of late. As I’ve said previously, I set the blog up originally as a very new, very anxious new mummy, and never thought that it would be getting read to the level that it is. Don’t get me wrong, it’s lovely, and I’m so thankful for the support you’ve all shown the Lighty family! It did mean, however, that the original site was very much thrown together in a very basic manner one nap time (I was so chuffed when I started getting requests from family & friends for a ‘follow by email’ button to be added to the site!) and it has led me to want to ‘get it right’, so I’ve been tinkering with the look of my blog.

My lovely new image on the homepage is one of my favourite parts of Mrs Lighty’s new look, and it has been supplied very kindly by Father-in-Law Lighty, Roger Lighterness.


My new header image, courtesy of Roger Lighterness!

We already have a gorgeous watercolour of his  in our home, which I absolutely adore, of our favourite bistro in Gaillac, France, but better yet, one of my new favourite images that Roger has recently produced is that of Baby Lighty. I love it! Check out his artwork further on his website.

A watercolour of our favourite bistro in Gaillac, France.

My beautiful Baby Lighty, as captured in watercolour by Roger!

My beautiful Baby Lighty, as captured in watercolour by Roger!

I’m sure the blog is going to need some more tinkering with yet (show me a blogger that doesn’t keep fiddling with their blog’s look?!), but it’s a step, I hope, towards creating more of an identity for Mrs Lighty.

And all this talk of change brings me to another subject: Baby Lighty has recently decided that he is terrified of being changed in public! At first it seemed to be because he was frightened of the noise of the hand dryer found in most baby change toilets. I can quite understand this – after all, a big noise like that is bound to be scary to a Little Lighty – but recently it seems to have extended to just generally being changed in public!

As soon as I put him on the changing table, his little bottom lip wobbles whilst I try to change his little wobbly bottom! He’s fine for a while as I talk to him, but the minute I try to wash my hands or dispose of his nappy, the tears start flowing. And it’s proper, frightened tears, too – poor Little Lighty!

If anyone knows of any way to calm his nerves when being changed, please do let me know, and in the meantime, I’ll keep ringing the blog’s changes!

See more of Father-in-Law Lighty’s art at

A Cornish Mum

7 thoughts on “All Change!”

  1. I love how light your blog is and your father-in-law is very talented! 🙂 Poor baby Lighty though I hope he gets over his fear, mine are 9 and 11 now so I’m not much help I’m afraid a lot of it’ a distant memory!
    Thanks for linking up to #PicknMiX
    Stevie x

  2. Fin went through a stage of this! In all honesty I used to avoid changing him unless I absolutely had to! Occasionally I would have to sit on the floor legs outstretched and lie him on my legs and do it that way. He’s so strong I was worried about him falling off the changing table!

    1. Ah glad it wasn’t just Baby Lighty then! He’s much better now although I can still see a slight look of terror / annoyance in his eyes. Even yesterday at the weigh in clinic I put him in the scales and he stretched out his arms to me and said “Mummy!”…but then I guess you’re allowed to have a moment of panic when you’re naked atop of some scales!! xxx

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