This month is a very special month for Happy Little Buttons. It’s the month that our little hashtag turns one! I can’t believe we’ve been running our Instagram community for a year already, and the fact that we have over 19,000 images tagged with #HappyLittleButtons is slightly nuts!! Annette from 3 Little Buttons, Dawn from Rhyming with Wine and I have absolutely loved seeing all of your happys over this past year: your special moments, your celebrations, your holidays and adventures and all of the little moments in between.
It’s the little moments that I’m focussing on this month. More and more in recent months I’ve been realising that it’s actually the little things in life that make up the big things. And I know that many of you feel the same way. So in the spirit of cherishing the little things, here are my every day Happy Little Buttons moments for September, which, for our littles at least, are often the big things…
It’s the Little Things…
Top left: @mrslighty1504 || Top right: @rhymingwithwine || Bottom left: @3littlebuttonsblog
Our Instagram Community, Happy Little Buttons, have really been embracing Autumn, and all of the outings and precious little moments that go with the season. Here are my featured faves for September:
Top left: @beautybabyandme || Top right: @frommammawithlove
Bottom left: @clarepod || Bottom right: @lucyathomeblog
Thank you so much to everyone that’s taken part in Happy Little Buttons in September! As always, we’ve had such a hard decision choosing the posts to be featured, as there are so many beauties. It’s partly why we each choose our own theme, so that we can narrow it down between us! Next month is sure to bring us even more beautiful moments; remember to keep tagging all of your happy posts with #happylittlebuttons to join in with the community. We really love having you all on board!
Congratulations featured posters! If you’d like to grab yourself a badge for your site, please feel free to do so!

Happy October Buttoners, we’ll look forward to seeing you next month!
*By taking part and tagging your photos with the #happylittlebuttons hashtag, you agree to allow us to use your photos in the featured images round ups and share your social media usernames.
For All Things Spliced, follow The Lightys on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!