The big 3-0, a rite of passage for anyone. A big 3-0 birthday party with a baby? A rite of passage for any new mother.
I must admit that other than Sister in Law Lighty’s 30th birthday trip to Centerparcs, we haven’t been to a 30th birthday celebration for a while. Quite frankly, Mr and Mrs Lighty are, well, a little bit old. So when Brother Hatchy had a 30th birthday party, just how different was it going to be now that we were less two and more three?
I feel like I’ve gained some sort of mothering badge of honour: set up party, been to party, even enjoyed party with a baby in tow. So I’ve decided that in order to gain the How To Party Like A Mum Award, you can’t claim to have partied with a baby until:
1) You’ve given very brief instructions to whoever’s babysitting as you dash out the door to help set up the hall. Unlike parties pre-baby where you spent hours on Pinterest, this one’s preparation has consisted of purchasing a few random decorations from the poundshop and eBay.
2) You come home to get ready then realise that not only have you got to get yourself ready, you’ve got to get a small person dressed and feed him at random intervals, too. Oh, and by the way, it’s sixties’ fancy dress which obviously requires an attempt at a beehive and lashings of eyeliner. In less than an hour. Plus feeding yourself and the baby. Oh and getting the baby dressed in his outfit. Doddle!

A vague attempt at a beehive and sixties’ make up!
4) As immediate family members of the Birthday Boy, you’re one of the first to arrive at the party. This is fine, but Baby Lighty is starting to get tired. Do you change him out of his Mod-style polo shirt outfit and into his pyjamas or keep him in his outfit until other family and friends arrive and risk him getting overtired?!
5) Other friends and family arrive and coo over Baby Lighty (yes you opted to keep him in his outfit a bit longer). Change him into his pyjamas. You haven’t changed a nappy until you have changed one on a pub bench with a baby intent on rolling!
6) Miraculously get Baby Lighty straight off to sleep! Pop him in his buggy with his baby ear defenders on.

Baby Lighty – or should that be DJ Lighty?! – with his ear defenders on, asleep in the buggy.
7) Enjoy party! You even manage to do the Cha Cha Slide on this occasion!!
8) Reflect on the way home that you were very, very lucky on this occasion, and having to do a night feed when you get in is a small price to pay for an enjoyable party with a very calm baby. Thank goodness you’ll only ever be doing this sort of parenting on special occasions!
So the How To Party Like a Mum Award wasn’t too hard won this time, but I think it’s fair to say that we were lucky Lightys. Will Mrs Lighty still win the award when Baby Lighty graduates to Toddler Lighty? I’m not so sure…
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Well done on your first party as a mum! My first party (well, christening) did not go half as well as this! It’s the random feedings I find throws off the schedule the most. Loving Baby Lighty in his mod outfit, very cute xx
We’re lucky that until this week (when weaning has started to take over!) he’s got a three hour feeding interval so it makes it easier to plan. Also if you’re breastfeeding it does make it a bit harder to leave them with a babysitter, so I’m lucky in that respect. Mostly I’m just glad that I got to do the Cha Cha Slide… ? xxx
Oh my goodness… I just squeaked at the ear defenders!! Why oh why have I not considered this option before? Pure genius. Sounds like you had a fab time lovely. Anyone who can master the cha cha slide with a baby in tow gets a big gold star from me! :0) xx
Haha! I do love the Cha Cha Slide!! The ear defenders were a gift from the bride at the last wedding we went to, but he refused to wear them that time, so I think we were very lucky this time!! Thank you for reading, as always 🙂 xxx
I do remember you mentioning them in your wedding post now you say that. It’s the pic that made me gush hehe. So cute. My pleasure. I always enjoy popping by xx
I’ll tell you a top parenting secret….those baby ear defenders on full extension fit an adult head, so if it’s your turn for a lay in, keep them to hand, And that is how to be hungover like a mum 😉 #marvmondays
Well done, a successful night out with baby in tow truly does deserve an award! We have not tried it yet with our 15 month old, I doubt it would go so well, haha. I love the ear defenders as much as your other commentators, such a handy idea. But it did give me pause for thought when you mentioned your baby refused to wear them previously – not necessarily a fail-safe invention then!
No definitely not fail safe!! Although he was only 4 months old at the wedding and I wondered if they were too tight / too big for him then. Thank you for reading my post 🙂
Me again, popping back from #coolmumclub – thanks for linking! x
Thanks for having me! 🙂 #coolmumclub
Sounds like you had a great evening. Glad it all went well. I remember our first trip to the cinema after the Tubblet was born. The babysitter called and asked one of us to come home due to the howls of rage. Fortunately it was only five minutes walk away!
Ooh no that’s not good! Luckily we had Baby Lighty with us at the party, but I was so worried about him not settling, as he refused to at the two weddings we attended last year. I think we got extremely lucky this time!! Thanks for reading my post 🙂
Haha, everything becomes so much more complicated when children are involved but it’s a fab feeling to face it head on and even end up enjoying yourself! We need to let loose more, babies don’t have to stop everything else happening. Thanks for linking up to #MarvMondays! Kaye xo
So true! And I keep telling myself that if it’s only every once in a while and for a special occasion then if he doesn’t settle and ends up going to bed late, it’s not the end of the world!! Thanks for having me on #MarvMondays 🙂