Yesterday was Mrs Lighty’s first Mother’s Day, hurrah! But on this first Mothering Sunday, I decided that there are two types of families out there: those that go all out, celebrate in style, and are generally excellent at marking all occasions. The others? Well, they’re like the Lighty Family: just a little bit crap!
By crap I mean that we don’t really ‘do’ occasions. Mrs Lighty always tries to buy a little something for the Mums and my Nan, but we never really do anything to celebrate and even with the gift buying, half the time I don’t know what to get. We’re the same with birthdays, and even Christmas to a certain extent. I remember thinking when I lived at home that the Hatchys seem to be the only family not to send Christmas cards to each other. But when you live under one roof, why bother? Furthermore, a friend was shocked a few years ago when she asked me what I’d asked people for as birthday gifts. A bemused Mrs Lighty replied, “I haven’t!”.
I’m an adult, I earn my own money, and I don’t expect gifts. So quite why I expected my first Mother’s Day to be different, I don’t know.
My Mother’s Day wishlist was quite simple. All I wanted was 1) breakfast in peace and 2) a hot bath. Notice I said breakfast in “peace” rather than breakfast in “bed”; as most of my breakfasts nowadays consist of not being able to eat more than two spoonfuls before having to go and retrieve a little someone intent on rolling to his escape (he still hasn’t mastered crawling!), and couple this with the fact that Mrs Lighty isn’t exactly what you’d call a morning person, I would’ve settled for breakfast in peace. And the latter request made the list after having our boiler fixed the day before Mother’s Day – oh how I was looking forward to a long, hot soak in the bath, rather than a short, lukewarm one!
So when, on Mother’s Day morning, I was greeted with the following scene in my bathroom, I should’ve known better:
Yes, that is Mrs Lighty’s bathroom floor ripped to shreds in Mr Lighty’s attempt to find a leak. Between this and the fact that Mr Lighty had to work on the morning of Mother’s Day, my simple wishlist was never going to happen!
However, having spoken to quite a few of my friends, it seems like many of us didn’t get the Mother’s Day we’d hoped for. But why do we feel so disappointed on this day? For me, I know that it was partly because it was my first Mother’s Day, something which I’d waited a very long time for, but aside from that, a big part of me thinks it’s because this mothering malarky is bloody hard work. It’s bloody lovely work at the same time – don’t get me wrong – but it is oh so hard, too. I take my hat off to stay at home mums as this is hard, and I take my hat off to working mums, as I feel that I’m about to find out that that is hard, too. So unless you’re part of one of the aforementioned fantastic-at-celebrating familes, then us mothers are likely to be left feeling like this day is like any other day of the year and, well, just a bit crap.
But having said that, I can’t complain about a hardworking husband who was forced to spend the day trying to make our home better, particularly when he came home with a card and flowers. Nor can I complain about a day spent with my gorgeous boy, especially when my maternity leave days are numbered.

Flowers and a first Mother’s Day card from Mr and Baby Lighty.
Oh and Mum, I’m sorry that we’ve been just a little bit crap for all of these years. I understand now. Perhaps next year we can actually celebrate properly, and be, well, a bit less crap?!

A Mother’s Day photo with my gorgeous boy. Who needs a special day to celebrate?!
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I have to say I am one of those people who celebrate EVERYTHING!! I don’t necessarily want/expect lavish gifts or loads of money spent on me, just a little something to mark the occassion. But equally I know many people who really aren’t that bothered (my husband being one haha) That photo of you and Baby Lighty is bloomimg adorable! He’s such a cutie xx
Thank you!! I think for the Lightys it’s not so much that we don’t celebrate so much as we don’t celebrate well?! I guess a lot of it for us comes down to time and money. Also I think once our babies are older, we’ll have more reason to go all out and celebrate properly!! Xxx
I had an epiphany moment whilst running on Saturday – that I have never really made a huge fuss of my Mum on Mothers day…so we last minute invited her and my step dad along to our Mothers Day Roast dinner out. It was so lovely – I’m really pleased I didn’t put it off for another year (again) because who knows what the next year might bring. xxx
I know, I’ve said to my mum that we ought to do something properly next year, but she said she likes it the way things are! To be fair, we do have a laugh over our family dinners!! Thanks for taking the time to read my post 🙂
Pleasure lovely – just been prepping your Meet the members post for next Friday 🙂
Ooh excited!! Thanks so much for having me on the series, #coolmumclub is my favourite linky 🙂
Thanks Nicola! It’s mine too of course 😉
Me again! Popping back from our fave #coolmumclub x
My first Mothers Day was when she was about 2 weeks old so I think baby brain extended to us all. I couldn’t leave the house for long periods to celebrate with either of our mums and all I got was a card. A lovely card but I was so deflated as I expected a little more. I think my expectations were high because his family are the type that love a celebration and he’s normally really thoughtful…I can confirm I got a super awesome bread making course voucher this year as I’d been saying I miss having time to bake bread. So maybe it’s all about the 2nd Mothers Day…
Ah maybe you have cracked it!! Will start hinting now for next year! 😉 Thanks for reading my post xxx
I think there are waaaay to many expectations on the day! Kids just don’t do what you want any day so why Mother’s Day? It’s a lovely family occasion but a card and maybe a little pressie is enough for me, Extra sleep, some time and some good food is a bonus! Hope you still had fun with the prosecco!! Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst x
Yep totally agree. The extra sleep would’ve been appreciated though!! Oh and yes, the Prosecco went down a treat! Thanks for having me on #bestandworst 🙂
Ah mother’s day does tend to be a mixed bag all right! Bad timing with the tearing up the floor though – lol husbands for ya! I’m glad you enjoyed your day in the end. Thanks so much for linking up with #bloggerclubuk x
Thank you for having me on #bloggerclubuk! 🙂 Well I guess I can’t blame him for the floor – it’s better than the kitchen ceiling falling in because of the leak, ha!! Maybe next year will be better?!!
Mother’s Day is a tough one isn’t it, I always build myself up thinking that I’m going to have a lay in and spend the day curled up like a cat… my dreams! I’m thankful for a warm cup of tea and half a biscuit to myself:) the little darlings!!:))) loved ur post:)
Visiting from #BloggersClubUK
Ah thank you! Yes perhaps our expectations are too high?! Next year I’ll lower them to that cuppa and half a biscuit and may be pleasantly surprised!! Thanks for taking the time to read my post 🙂 #bloggerclubuk