It’s October and we’re back with the second instalment of Happy Little Buttons already, the Instagram community that I run along with Annette from 3 Little Buttons and Dawn from Rhyming with Wine.
October has been a funny old month for The Lightys, full of highs such as #HappyLittleButtons hitting over 1000 tagged images, finally going self hosted (hurrah!) and birthday celebrations for myself and Mr Lighty, but lows including a broken boiler (again!). I feel like this year has run away with me somewhat and I don’t think that’s helping with the mixed emotions at having reached October!!
Anyway, here we are, so enough of my ramblings. October is officially autumn, and I decided a few weeks back to pick my pictures with a theme of ‘colour’. It wasn’t until I went to narrow them down, however, that I realised I’d unintentionally picked ones with autumnal times; perfect, therefore, for the month of October.
My favourite of Annette’s this month is all about the reds and greens. I fear it’s a bit of a random choice considering the many beautiful photos she posts regularly of Little Button, but here it is:
As a keen gardener myself, I think it’s so cool that Annette has her own personalised Heinz Tomato Ketchup from her tomato harvest!!
From Dawn, I’ve chosen this one:
I love the brightness of Mstr. Tot’s wellies and the Autumn light shining off of his fair hair, plus the wonder as he looks at the caterpillar!!
Now I got told off last month for not picking my own favourite, so here it is, one from my (301st) birthday. The peach of my kitchen walls counts as an autumnal colour, right?!!
And so on to my featured posts from within the community:

Top left: @winnettes; Top right: @jakijellz; Bottom left: @carol_cameleon; Bottom right: @somethingaboutbaby.
Firstly, this one from Kirsty at Winnettes:
It sums up autumnal colour, really, doesn’t it? And I love the perspective of the pumpkin being in the forefront.
Then there’s this one from Jaki Jellz:
Autumn’s the perfect time for indoor activities, and I love the contrast of the colours of the marble against the autumnal red!
Crafts are another autumnal activity of course, and I although I actually picked this one before the colours in this month’s theme took an autumnal turn, it still really catches my eye and I kept going back to it within the #HappyLittleButtons community. It’s by Carol from Virtually All Sorts:
And finally this one, from my lovely ‘real life’ friend and blogger extraordinaire, Abi from Something about Baby. I still can’t thank her enough for all of her help with the self hosted thing. Blogging has meant that I’ve got to know her better both on and offline this past year, and our boys are just 5 weeks apart in age. Again, I picked this photo of the lovely Alfie before I settled on autumnal tones, and I think it’s just fab with all of the orange and the lovely childhood love of food:
So there we have it, October’s finest! A big thank you again to everyone that continues to take part, it really means a lot to myself, Annette and Dawn. Here’s to November!!
For All Things Spliced, follow The Lightys on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
Thank you so much for including me alongside these lovely snaps! And thanks for hosting 🙂
Thank you so much for joining in! We’ve loved having you on #HappyLittleButtons 🙂