Last weekend, we asked four of our closest friends a very important question. It’s something that we’ve been thinking about for a while, something that we’ve been putting a lot of thought into. And it wasn’t “what would you like for Christmas?”!
Instead, Baby Lighty asked them, “will you be my Godparent?”. But in true Mrs Lighty style, this wasn’t just a simple question that was posed verbally. We wanted to make it a little bit special.
We’ve been thinking about having a Christening for Baby Lighty for a while. We’re not overly religious, however, so we’re swaying more towards a naming ceremony, something which is more of a celebration of our beautiful little boy. We’ve also been toying with the title of ‘Godparent’ for our friends; we thought about ‘guideparent’ or perhaps something simple like ‘mentor’ but they didn’t quite fit with what our hopes were for the roles of our friends. The question of who we would ask, however, was never a question at all really; we chose four of our oldest and closest friends.
As you may remember, Mrs Lighty is a huge Pinterest fan, so it was never going to be as simple as asking a question. I turned to my trusty Pinterest app to gather some ideas on just how we could pose this question. The terms “Godfather” and “Godmother” immediately bring up images of The Godfather film and fairy Godmothers respectively, so this was my starting point.
From here, we used the time of year to help us out. Just like we did with our pregnancy announcement, we do love anything to do with Christmas, and so we thought we’d make Christmas cards to ask our friends this important question. We’d already staged a mini photoshoot with Baby Lighty to enable us to have Christmas cards printed for family and friends, so we used that image to make special Christmas cards for the Godparents -to-be. I then downloaded a free font reminiscent of the font used in the film The Godfather, and used a whimsical font for that of our friend’s fairy Godmother card, to create a caption over the top of the photo, before uploading them to a card printing service and having them printed.

The cards we had printed to ask the Godparents. Special thank you to Max Spielmann at Tesco photo for sorting out a slight problem we had with the first batch printed super quickly and with excellent customer service!
On the day itself, at first we thought all of our carefully laid plans would be scuppered when one of the Godfathers almost had to leave for a prior engagement before one of the other Godfathers arrived, but all was well and we had a window of about 10 minutes where we could ask them all together. I’m glad we did, as I don’t think it would’ve been quite as special had we had to have asked them separately!
We asked them to unwrap the gifts first, and then asked them if they had any clues as to what they were for. The Lightys were met with four very confused faces!! We then told them to open the cards, and it was lovely to see everyone’s reactions as the penny dropped!

One of the Godfathers with his daughter, wondering what on earth the moustache on a stick is all about!

The penny drops as they open the cards!

The Godparents with their moustaches, fairy wings and wand and Baby Lighty!
For All Things Spliced, follow The Lightys on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
Such a fantastic idea. Little D looks gorgeous and you can’t beat a bit of Christmas sparkle to add extra extra magic.
Dawn xx
Thank you! You know me, can’t do things in a straightforward manner!! Xxx
This is so sweet. I was asked to be a Godparent for my friends son and I found it a little overwhelming even though I’m not religious. My sister in law had a naming ceremony with GoodParents #MarvMondays
Goodparents is a fab title! If we decide to change it I might have to pinch that!! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and Merry Christmas! #MarvMondays
Awww what a lovely idea! I love how much thought you guys put into asking baby lighty’s godparents. Its an important decision and choice, so its lovely that you made a big deal out of how you asked them. Thanks for linking up to #MarvMondays. Emily
Thanks for having me on #MarvMondays! I can’t do things in a simple manner unfortunately, I have to make a song and dance out of it! But sometimes it pays off!! 🙂 Thanks for reading xxx