Wow hasn’t July been a scorcher of a month?! Although I have to say, I’m not going to complain about the weather too much. I love the sunshine, and I should probably add this hot weather to something that I’ve liked and loved this month! It just makes everything seem so much better and Baby Lighty and I can do so much more with our time. Even if that means just splashing around in the paddling pool in our back garden!!
So what have we been doing with our time? Here’s what we’ve liked and loved in July:
Red, White and Blue
At the start of the month, Mrs Lighty had some lovely grown up time with her friends from WI. We went to a Red, White and Blue ball, organised by one of our friends in aid of a local Scouting event. It was lovely to get dressed up, and the setting was beautiful!

Barnards Farm, the beautiful venue for the ball!
I love the company of these girls, and we don’t scrub up too badly, either, do we?!
End of Term
Of course, July means the end of the summer school term. We’re not quite at school age yet, but we’ve had a few endings of our own – or at least, an end of an era. We had a lovely time at our Monday baby group’s end of term party, and we also went to our Thursday baby group for the last time before Baby Lighty starts preschool. Yes that’s right, the Thursday baby group which we’ve been going to since Baby Lighty was two weeks old! It truly is the end of an era!

At our baby group summer party!
Theatre Trips
We really enjoyed the theatre workshops we attended last month, and so this month we went back for more! We attended another Fable and Moon theatre workshop – this time, Handa’s Surprise – and we also went to see John Kirk in Dennis and the Chamber of Mischief, which was part of the Brentwood Children’s Literary Festival and which I was lucky enough to win tickets for.

John Kirk’s performance of Dennis and the Chamber of Mischief!
Baby Lighty loved both! I’m not sure how much he followed the actual theatre performance of Dennis, as the show was aimed at age 6+, but he loved the cheekiness of it and the fact that the audience were constantly being squirted with water! He also volunteered to join in when it was audience participation time. He looked so tiny standing next to all of the older children!
Toddler Birthday Season
Toddler birthday season continues to go strong! This month we’ve had two birthday parties of two of Baby Lighty’s friends. One was a toddler gym birthday party, which at one point involved a hot air balloon zip wire! I’d never seen anything like it and Baby Lighty loved it!

Flying machine!!
The other party was soft play, and again Baby Lighty got stuck right in! I love how much he enjoys his little friends’ birthday parties nowadays, and how much understanding he has.
Equalities and Yarn Bombing!
As always, I’ve been lucky to spend some more time with the lovely ladies from my WI, the Brentwood Belles. Aside from our usual brunch date, our July meeting was an Equalitea, to celebrate 100 years since the first women got the vote in the UK. Aside from a really interesting talk on women’s history, we had tea and scones, and flowers in teapots (created by my friend Mrs Washy and Mrs Lighty herself!)!

Our Equalitea!
On top of this, Baby Lighty also helped us to get involved with a yarn bombing project which was part of an arts festival for Brentwood theatre. I love that we get to do some really different and exciting things, and that I’m getting Baby Lighty involved in what we do, too!
Family Time
And to top off our busy month, we’ve also liked and loved some family time this month. From summer fairs through to visiting National Trust properties, we’ve really been enjoying this warm weather and have been making the most of being outside in the sunshine!

At a local farm Fayre!
So that just about rounds up what we’ve liked and loved this July! It’s been super busy, and I think the weather is partly to blame for that! But I’m not going to complain…roll on a sunny August!!
For All Things Spliced, follow The Lightys on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!