Baby Lighty to English Dictionary

Speech is hugely important to me. Language has always fascinated me, probably because I generally don’t shut up did my degree in German. I love anything that’s cleverly worded, and have a bit of an obsession with names. Language is just ‘my thing’. So imagine my delight in the fact that language, so far, also seems to be Baby Lighty’s thing. I’m so very proud of his speech. It seems to be his talent, his interest, and his talent seems to like in his ability to talk above other things. Like all children, he has things that he’s not so good at, but I am really proud of how much and how well he can talk already. Even if I often act as his translator, and even if my brain now permanently has a part which is a ‘Baby Lighty Dictionary’.

The Baby Lighty to English Dictionary

I recently read this lovely post by Chilling with Lucas, and it got me thinking to all of the various things that Baby Lighty says which are his own little language. Just like anyone learning a language, we all have words and phrases that we can’t quite grasp and have to word in our own way. And before he loses those baby ways and can speak properly, I’d like to make a note of Baby Lighty Language. So here goes…

The Baby Lighty – English Dictionary
  • Drinking can – Watering can
  • Pi pi pound – Money (maybe he thinks he’s saying “fifty pounds”?!)
  • Woowoo – Hoover (not a cocktail, even Mr Lighty and I aren’t that bad parents!)
  • Glass – Glasses
  • Caca – Cracker (this can be used for anything from an actual cracker, through to a breadstick or general crisps!)
  • Hally – Lady (this gets said to everyone female who he doesn’t know the real name of!!)
  • Gaga, or more recently Granga – Grandad
  • Mark – his Auntie Browny!!
  • Heather – pronounced “Heffa” – anyone that isn’t his Auntie Browny!!
  • Worry – pronounced “war-wy” – Sorry
  • Hank ‘oo – Thank You
  • Aachoo – Bless You
  • High – High five
  • Pump – Fist Bump
  • Jump jump – Trampoline
  • Pappy – Nappy
  • Mumber – Cucumber
  • Blue blues – Blueberries
  • Nummy – Dummy
  • Dinesaw – Dinosaur
  • Babel – Either table or label
  • Cuggle – Cuddle

He can say an awful lot besides the above, but the list above are just a few things that make me laugh because they’re unique to him. I must admit, I love his own little language, his own little dictionary. I love the way that he makes himself understood. For example, if he wants to show someone something, he’ll say “want look Daddy” instead of “I want to show Daddy”. It fascinates me how languages are learnt, and how when you’re learning a language whether as an adult or a child, you put together the words that you do know to make yourself understood.

One thing I am certain of is that all too soon, he’ll be able to say things properly, and yet another part of babydom will be gone for good. So I’ll cherish this time now, even if I do sometimes need my own little Baby Lighty dictionary to get through the day!

For All Things Spliced, follow The Lightys on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

Proud to be linking up with:

3 Little Buttons

13 thoughts on “Baby Lighty to English Dictionary”

  1. So funny what they say, I love listening to them. Mine still say the odd things like Aunty Bick for Aunty Vicki now my sister is known as Bick to everyone just because my son couldn’t say his ‘v’ xx

    1. It’s funny how things stick, isn’t it? Mr Lighty said earlier that he now just calls blueberries ‘blue blues’!

  2. Love this! I’ve been recording my 3 year old a lot lately. Just because you don’t realise how quickly it stops and then they can say things right. My 10 year old used to call toad in the hole saudege-pie and my 3 year old calls people a bung-a-low like it’s an insult ? xx

    1. It’s always a little bittersweet when their baby language turns to the correct word, isn’t it?! Thanks so much for stopping by.

  3. Oh these little gems are exactly the things you need to write down as you’ll never remember them in 3 years time! The mouse is currently having issues with the sound ‘f’ so everything is pronounced with a ‘b’ in it’s place…it’s funny how you start saying it too! (Binger)

    Thanks so much for sharing with #coolmumclub

  4. Isn’t he adorable! Who can resist a cuggle. Such a good idea to put this little dictionary of words together, it’s a great keepsake to look back on Nic. I wish I had thought of this for Little Button. The woowoo is brilliant, if I remember right, I think Little Button used to say oooo verrrrrrrrrr (with the errrrr bit really long). What are they like. #DreamTeam xx

  5. I really must start doing this with Alfie, as he comes out with some gems – he says “duddle” for a cuddle and other random words that only Craig and I can decipher! My nan actually had a book of all the funny things the grandchildren said when we were growing up, and it’s such a lovely keepsake to have. Fab post as always Mrs L x

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