Happy New Year to all of our Happy Little Buttons community!
Am I allowed to say that one the last Friday of the month, when it’s already 26th January?! You just know from the speed that this month has flown by with that this year is going to whizz past like its recent predecessors! You may remember from my January Happy Little Buttons post from last year that I always find January a little bleak. Forgive me for saying that it’s not the happiest of months. Christmas is behind us, and it’s still too early in the year to have many plans to look forward to. There’s a reason that the holiday companies push their advertising at this time of year!
Anyway, this year, I’m trying to see this month as a positive, and enjoy some of the little things. Just walking to the shop with Baby Lighty today, I had to stop and ponder the fact that we stood for ten minutes and watched a crane lorry (I don’t think that’s the technical term for it!!). When did we lose the magic in the every day?
So that’s my theme for January’s Happy Little Buttons, the magic in every day. We were also lucky enough to have recently visited Disneyland Paris, so we’ve started this year with a bang. Let’s just hope that the magic continues enough to make this a great 2018!
The Magic in Every Day
Top Left: @rhymingwithwine || Top Right: @3littlebuttonsblog || Bottom Left: @MrsLighty1504
And from our community, I love these photos which are embracing the cold January weather and the magic in every day:
Top Left: @dancingdandelionsblog || Top Right: @thegeordiebairn
Bottom Left: @_i3eckie || Bottom Right: @sprogonthetyne
Congratulations featured posters! If you’d like to grab yourself a badge for your site, please feel free to do so!

Thank you to all of you who have joined in with Happy Little Buttons again this month, it’s always lovely to have you with us! We’ll look forward to seeing you next month, as we really get this new year into full swing!!
*By taking part and tagging your photos with the #happylittlebuttons hashtag, you agree to allow us to use your photos in the featured images round ups and share your social media usernames.
For All Things Spliced, follow The Lightys on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!