There is nothing quite as special as baby’s first Christmas. Or at least that’s what I thought last year. Because this year is all about second Christmases, and I feel just as excited – if not more excited – than last year. You see, at just turned 18 months, Baby Lighty is already his own little character, and I can’t wait to see how that character reacts to this Christmas.
We’ve already seen more wonder in his eyes this year from the likes of Christmas lights. Last year when he was tiny, I really thought he’d enjoy seeing all of the twinkling and sparkling available in the likes of shopping centres, garden centres and Christmas grottos (after all, it’s a cheap Mum’s version of baby sensory, right?!), but actually, he was pretty nonplussed. Pretty twinkly things that only come round once a year?! Pfft. Who needs those when there are much more important things to think about like milk and napping?!Well, this year, he’s definitely more interested in them. We can’t walk through a shopping centre at the moment without him pointing and exclaiming, “Mummy! Daddy! Wow!”. As you can imagine, on the back of his reaction to the lights he’s seen on shopping trips, his little face lit up just as much as the lights did at our local Christmas lights switch on…even a free glowstick that he was given was a wonder!

Even the freebie glowstick that Baby Lighty was given at our local lights switch on was apparently mesmerising!
He’s also enjoying his first advent calendar. We’ve gone for a bog standard chocolate one this year, just to see how he reacts, but in years to come I really want to get a wooden or fabric one that we’ll fill ourselves. In an ideal world, I’d love to sew or create something myself, but we’ve already spoken about how rubbish Mrs Lighty is at crafts!
Then there’s the likes of all the Christmas music. At 18 months, Baby Lighty loves a good little dance, and all of the classic Christmas tunes and funky music on the Christmas adverts are capturing his attention. I think he thought baby group had come to our house when we had our little NCT get together and all of the Mummies broke into nursery rhyme in an attempt to get the little ones to sit still for a photo!
What’s more, Mrs Lighty actually thought her heart was going to melt when Baby Lighty sat on the stage and joined in with the bigger children during the nativity story at baby group. He was as pleased as punch to be sitting there like a big boy and joining in the singing and dancing. Between that and seeing how mesmerised he was by the puppet nativity in the church at our other baby group, quite how I’ll react when he’s actually starring in a nativity play of his very own when he’s bigger, Lord knows!!
Yes, it’s true that when it comes to second Christmases, he won’t know or understand as much as he will next year, on his third Christmas, but I still wanted to take him to see Father Christmas. I was excited to see his reaction to the big man! And as usual, it didn’t disappoint: he was completely suspicious of him and couldn’t wait to get out of his grotto, waving a cheery “bye!” over his shoulder as we left! Ok, so it wasn’t the peaceful reaction we had last year, but the comedy photo really tickles Mr Lighty and I, and when we later asked Baby Lighty if he had enjoyed seeing Father Christmas and replied with “yeah!”, we did have to laugh! And then, of course, there’s the big day itself. How will he react this year? Last year I must admit that even Mr and Mrs Lighty felt a bit overwhelmed by the end of Christmas day, with a 6 month old that had missed his naps because there was too much going on, trying to follow some sort of routine when it came to weaning and opening a mountain of presents for a little boy that was well and truly spoilt.
I have no doubt that this year will probably be similar – and may be harder still if we have a toddler that misses his naps this time and now knows how to throw a tantrum – but I just can’t wait to see the wonder in his eyes when he tucks into what will be his first proper Christmas dinner and when he realises that if he tears off all of that coloured paper, there may just be some exciting toys underneath!
So that’s why, in my opinion baby’s first Christmas is special, but this year, it’s all about those second Christmases.
And with this post, Mrs Lighty is blogging off for Christmas! Merry Christmas everyone, and thank you for all of your support of All Things Spliced this year! Without my lovely readers, there would be no All Things Spliced, so thank you all for continuing to read all about our adventures. I wish you all a very happy and healthy Christmas, and may 2017 bring all of the good things that you deserve! xxx
For All Things Spliced, follow The Lightys on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
We just had baby’s first Christmas with our 7 month old, and it was also really hard keeping a sleeping and weaning schedule. The second Christmas has to be more now that he knows what’s going on. Something to look forward to next year!
I think it was a bit easier with a toddler. We kind of just went with the flow; that meant having him nap on me at one point as he wouldn’t go down in his cot, but so be it!! Thanks so much for linking up with #DreamTeam 🙂
oh I adore this post! It is so true, as new baby’s it is so magical for us, as what is more precious than holding a baby at Christmas, but for them and for us watching them it just gets better and better! Gorgeous pics! #dreamteam
Thank you! 🙂 It’s amazing seeing the wonder in their eyes, isn’t it? Thanks so much for linking up with #DreamTeam 🙂
So true! I’ve found that actually, Christmas just keeps getting better and better as their understanding and excitement grows! My daughter’s first Christmas was boring and all I really wanted was some sleep! #DreamTeam xx
I can imagine!! He was a little overwhelmed this year, so I think when he understands more next year it’ll be better still! Thanks so much for linking up with #DreamTeam 🙂
Lovely post…Christmas is so magical for babies, my daughter is 2 now and this year she has really been captured by it! Amazing #DreamTeam
I must admit I can’t wait until next year when he’s two and a half, I think he’ll be mega excited judging by his reaction this year! Thanks so much for linking up with #DreamTeam 🙂
Cuteness overload from all those gorgeous photos of Baby Lighty. I love the photo of you with Father Christmas. I hope you had as much fun on the Big Day! #DreamTeam x
Thank you! We definitely had to laugh on the day we took him to see Father Christmas, his reaction was classic! Thanks so much for linking up with #DreamTeam 🙂
Next year he will really get it and the holidays will be even more fun!
I know, I can’t wait to be honest!! Hope you had a good festive season! Thanks so much for linking up with #DreamTeam 🙂
I hope he reacted magically to Christmas Day! It’s funny that my post is about Christmas with teens, but yours brought back so many memories and oh that NCT sofa photo, with one trying to escape – so familiar! Happy New Year! Alison x #DreamTeam
Pretty much everyone I know that has NCT friends with children that are older has said the same thing – they all have a similar photo to my one in this post with none of the babies sitting still! I must admit, I kind of love that we captured the moment so accurately! Hope you had a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year! Thanks so much for linking up with #DreamTeam 🙂
Ah so cute! Xmas with little ones is so lovely – before you start having m hide the chocolate and dissuade then from ripping open all the presents on Xmas eve anyway. Lovely post #dreamteam
Haha, that is true!! Yesterday Baby Lighty tried his luck at demanding chocolate for breakfast!! Hope you had a good one and Happy New Year! Thanks so much for linking up with #DreamTeam 🙂
Loved Christmas this year which was our little one’s 3rd festive season! Last year was great but this year was so much more fun for him – he was even really well-behaved this year! I hope you had a lovely Christmas and have a brill 2017! Top hosting by the way! #DreamTeam
Thank you! Yes I think next year – Baby Lighty’s third – will be even better! Happy New Year and thanks so much for linking up with #DreamTeam 🙂
Aw this is so lovely Nic. Hope that you all had a really magical time. I love the pic of your NCT group on your sofa. So cute! Popping by through #DreamTeam as your fellow guest co-host hehe. Happy New Year xx
I can relate to this – as the infant! I’m told, one of the first things I said was “Pretty light!” ?
Aww that’s so cute, we’ve had lots of ‘pretties’ and ‘wows’ from Baby Lighty this Christmas! 🙂
Aw, I remember those years… such joy and wonderment in the little things. I found baby’s first Christmas was mostly for me as none of my boys were old enough at Christmas to understand or care much about anything having to do with the holiday… but 2nd and 3rd? Those were lots of fun!
The more years pass by the more magical it gets #DreamTeam
The Boy is nearly 6, and they do just keep getting better. I think the one when he was almost 4 was the first where he was really excited and counting down the days. This year on christmas eve night, at about 7, he announced that he needed to go to bed because he was “fizzy inside” and just couldn’t handle it.
The Girl has only just turned one, and to be honest found it all a little overwhelming. Having a fizzy big brother didn’t help matters! #dreamteam
Oh isn’t that a great description though? Fizzy inside! I love it!! Hope you had a good one and Happy New Year! Thanks so much for linking up with #DreamTeam 🙂
You are so right! It is magical for little ones. The magic kind of gets lost as they grow older and I think it’s up to us, parents, to keep it alive and to teach our kids the true value of Christmas. Beautiful post! Have great holidays!;) #DreamTeam
Aww… This is so lovely! I am so glad that he likes seeing Santa. My girl was really scared at first, but then he gave her the present and it all changed. She now LOVES Santa! lol! Wonderful post. <3 #DreamTeam
Haha, he was a bit apprehensive but then cheerily said ‘bye’ over his shoulder and told us that he’d enjoyed it when we asked him! It did make us laugh!! Thanks so much for linking up with #DreamTeam 🙂
I think that with all stages as they grow,new joy abounds.Each special for their own heart melting moments!Love it! #DreamTeam
awww, so cute, looks like a lovely Christmas you had X #dreamteam
Thank you! It was lovely, hope yours was too! Thanks so much for linking up with #DreamTeam 🙂
Aww this is adorable. We’ve just had our second Christmas with Mr and from having an older daughter, each year that goes past they are getting better. Miss J is 41/2 and this year was magical to see the excitement in her eyes. Happy new year #dreamteam
I can imagine that it just gets better! Hope you had a good one and Happy New Year! Thanks so much for linking up with #DreamTeam 🙂
Aw, lovely post. We are nearing the end of the ‘Father Christmas years with ours (10 and 14) and it will be a sad moment when they move on. Glad you’re enjoying every stage! Cherish it!#dreamteam
It’s such a fleeting window, isn’t it? I definitely plan to cherish it. Thanks so much for linking up with #DreamTeam 🙂
Christmas is so magical with children, no matter what age, but the first christmas where they know what is going on is particularly wonderful #DreamTeam
I think for us, the first Christmas where he will understand what’s happening will be next year. This year he understood the excitement but that was about it. Happy New Year to you and thanks so much for linking up with #DreamTeam 🙂
After Ben’s first Christmas I do have to agree with you. At seven months it was all too overwhelming for him and he didn’t get what was happening (however he loved grabbing all the wrapping paper!) next year he will be that much older to appreciate and enjoy the day.
Hope baby lighty enjoyed himself! #dreamteam
Aww you’ll definitely find it less stressful next year I think. An overwhelmed toddler is easier than an overwhelmed baby I think as you know their cues more by then. Thanks so much for linking up with #DreamTeam 🙂
Aww this is lovely! We are much the same as Emma is 20 months…so this Christmas was the first that she really got a sense of what it was all about. I bet next year will be even more magical 🙂 Thanks for co-hosting #dreamteam with us in December, so lovely to have you on board x
Next year will be fab, won’t it?! Thank you so much for having me on #DreamTeam, I’ve loved it and will look forward to offering holiday cover soon! xxx