Roll up! Roll up! Come see the Great Lighteeny in all his glory!
Escape artist extraordinaire, the two year old Great Lighteeny can escape almost every situation his parents put him in! No task is too big, no gap is too small! If there is a way out, he will find it!
See how at the age of 13 months, he manages to escape almost every highchair he is put into, often forcing his parents into further restraining him in place with the sling! Look at how he gives Mr and Mrs Lighty a heart attack at being able to climb out of the highchair when in a restaurant, despite having only just learnt how to walk!
Come take a look at how, at 18 months, he can climb out of his bath seat! Slipping, sliding, slithering all around the bath; no amount of water is any match for the Great Lighteeny!
Roll up to see how, at 23 months, he escapes his Mummy in a busy coffee shop, giving her a heart attack and managing to break free into the attached department store before she comes running at break neck speed to catch up!
Indeed, shops are an excellent place to catch the Great Lighteeny in action! Come take a look at how he can escape the confines of his buggy, in order to witness the toy dogs that flip over in toy stores! Out he’ll slip from his buggy straps and proceed to stand up in his buggy to be able to reach up onto the shelf and stroke one of those annoyingly yappy little things delightful little creatures! But wait! There’s more! The same trick can also be applied to supermarket trollies if something in store catches his eye!
Take a look at how the Great Lighteeny uses his super skinny powers to slide his way out of his booster seat at dinner, often insisting that he eats his food standing up on a child size chair next to the table instead. Or not eat it at all. Whatever.
Then of course, there’s the upgraded version of this trick: the “I know how to undo the buckle of my booster seat, Mummy!” version. Once this trick has been learnt, see how it strikes fear into Mr and Mrs Lighty with just two simple words: car. seat.
Leave the door open for a second? The Great Lighteeny will escape through it! Into the garden, into the side alley, and given half the chance onto the road. And no baby gate is a match for him: as soon as he sees a chink in its armour, he’ll be up those stairs before you know it! See how he keeps his Mummy and Daddy on their toes, chasing after him here, there and everywhere!
Any why stay in a cot when you can climb over it?! The Great Lighteeny has the agility of a cat, landing squarely on two feet after jumping over the side of his cot, leaving Mr and Mrs Lighty looking on in disbelief. See how quickly he makes them change their mind on leaving him in a cot until he’s at least, oooh, I don’t know, 18 years old! Amazon Prime at the ready: we’ll need a bed guard sooner than we think!
Come see how the Great Lighteeny also manages to escape a big boy bed whilst on holiday! Not once, not twice, but 17,849 times a night!
And let’s not forget the ‘run and escape Mummy at baby group’ trick! As soon as that door is open, he will be off and in there with the toys, often leaving Mummy wandering around in a slightly panicked, massively tired haze!
But don’t be fooled. The Great Lighteeny is great but there is one force greater: the Great Mrs Lighteeny! For she has not one trick but two up her sleeve: the ability to be kept on her toes and eyes in the back of her head!
Or at least, she bloody hopes she does…!
For All Things Spliced, follow The Lightys on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
Looks like you had a busy month!! Some amazing photos xx
Oh no! I fear this is what we have to come. R can’t seem to sit still for a single minute. She already knows how to escape highchairs and is quickly becoming a pro at hide and seek. With her first birthday coming up I know the worst is probably yet to come! #dreamteam
Haha – mine is quite the escaper too! At 2.5 years old, if I turn my back for even a second she’s running away as fast as she can. Funnily enough, she’s never tried to escape out of her cot, though…#DreamTeam
I had a runner in daycare, I was exhausted every single day. My thoughts are with you, and your feet! #DreamTeam
Haha, love how you wrote this! My youngest is a little escape artist too. Love how mummy steps in at the end as the ringmaster! X #dreamteam
I can so relate to this! They are like masters of escapism aren’t they! xx #dreamteam
Yup!! #DreamTeam
Fab! Oh yes I have 2 of these…they run rings around me sometimes and I wish I was 10 years younger just to keep up with them. Eyes in the back of your head is a must
xx #DreamTeam
Haha, yes definitely!! #DreamTeam
Ha, we have a runner too!! Fortunately he’s not too much of an escape artist and never attempted to climb out of his cot/highchair/car seat, but he’s definitely fast. Daddy found this out recently in the supermarket when he ran off and Daddy took a casual stroll after him until he realised Alfie had turned a corner and could no longer been seen! The boy is quick. I could hear the shrieks of joy when Daddy finally caught up with him and had a little giggle to myself when I saw Daddy turn the corner, red-faced and out of breath with a wriggling Alfie in his arms!
Forgot #DreamTeam!
Haha!! Ours will climb out of anything, given half the chance! He can’t sit still!!
I’m very similar to the Great Lighteeny! I’m like a ninja in the night and the master of escapism too! #DreamTeam x
I’m glad it’s not just Baby Lighty, Baby Isabella!! #DreamTeam
Ha ha how funny!!! I suppose at least he’s doing his bit to keep the family fit and healthy with all this exercise!! DreamTeam
Ha, yes there is that! A bit too fit and healthy!! #DreamTeam
My small person ran off in front of me on the way home from school and ran all the way back to Nanny’s.I couldn’t keep up. I guess this was his disappearing act! He scared the life out of me. #dreamteam
Ooh yes I bet! I would’ve been terrified too! #DreamTeam
My small person ran off in front of me on the way home from school and ran all the way back to Nanny’s.I couldn’t keep up. I guess this was his disappearing act! He scared the life out of me. #dreamteam
Oh the joys of a little one on the move, certainly makes you stay one step ahead! #DreamTeam
Yes definitely!! I need a slightly quicker brain as well as a quicker body!! #DreamTeam
Are all toddlers escape artists! My little boy is exactly the same, no amount of tying, strapping or locking can keep him still. Escaping out of his cot and standing next to my bed in the middle of the night was the scariest thing ever! #DreamTeam
Ha!! That made me laugh!! I bet!! #DreamTeam
Oh dear!! My twins were both like this and I learnt every restraining trick in the book….I also had to put up with a lot of eye rolling from other mums (who could of course done a lot better chasing 2 in different directions!!). #dreamteam
Oh goodness yes twins must be so hard in this respect (and other respects!). I definitely would not have been judging you!! #DreamTeam
Omg that’s so funny! My boy was just the same…. wriggle monster! Suggestions? We kept the boy in a sleeping bag until age 2 so he couldn’t climb out of his cot…. he did anyway but it slowed him done! Took all shelves out of his room so he couldn’t climb them and put 2 stair gates across the threshold of his door!! It worked and st least I could sleep! Good luck. #dreamteam
I love this Mrs L! “The great Lighteeny” ?? I still haven’t recovered from The Boy’s miraculous escape from his cat seat age 13 months… Just as I was about to get on the motorway!! I still have no idea how he did it. These littles are tiny geniuses! Thanks for co-hosting #DreamTeam with us this week lovely xx
I love this Mrs L! “The great Lighteeny” ?? I still haven’t recovered from The Boy’s miraculous escape from his cat seat age 13 months… Just as I was about to get on the motorway!! I still have no idea how he did it. These littles are tiny geniuses! Thanks for co-hosting #DreamTeam with us this week lovely xx
Shucks – I feel you on this, we almost lost my friend’s daughter when she was 1 when we went on a playdate with the kids. She was one of those who was just on the go and would be here one moment and gone the next. Luckily we found her safe and sound after searching for 5 minutes which felt like a lifetime. I can just be greatful my own kids didn’t have any of those tricks up there sleeves.#DreamTeam
You really can’t turn your back for a second!! #dreamteam
Oh goodness I remember them times well, it was exhausting. It does get better with time X. #dreamteam
I have been thankful that my little one is not as limber as yours! #dreamteam
Haha! My little one is an escape artist too. Little monkies aren’t they. Thankfully he can’t undo buckles yet though! X
Wow you’ve been busy. Lovely pictures as always #dreamteam
oh no what a little escape artist you have on your hands! luckily Ben isnt graced with such skills, however he has learnt how to push his arms out of his carseat straps which freaked me out but we have a new one now so he’s still shocked by the newness to try escaping!! #dreamteam
His made me chuckle so much – I have my very own one of these too haha!! So sorry for the late comment #DreamTeam
It sounds like he’s keeping you busy! My daughter was just the same. At just over a year old I discovered she could climb out of her cot when I awoke one morning to hear her wandering about downstairs! She’s not much different now at nearly 7 years old – never sits still! #dreamteam
Haha! The Great Lighteeny! Oh. My. Goodness. That’s amazing. How does he do it? Mine never even attempted a cot escape. She used to just have a good old knees up and dance until someone came. Thanks for being a fab #dreamteam host! xxx
Amazing what they can accomplish in the split of a second! Stay ahead! Oy vey… #dreamteam xoxo